John A. Noble, N.A. (1913-1983), Dressing the Diver, From The Pipe Lithographs, Lithograph, Edition 30, 1952, The Noble Maritime Collection, Gift of the Noble Family
The Pipe Lithographs
The U.S. Pipe and Foundry Company of Burlington, New Jersey commissioned The Pipe Lithographs from John A. Noble for publication in their 1953 monthly wall calendar. Noble worked on the twelve prints from April through November, 1952.
Noble was not entirely happy with the result of his efforts, and he alluded to his disappointment in a letter to J.B. McFarland of U.S. Pipe and Foundry Company in 1953. “I learned a great deal through the commission,” Noble explained. “As I look back, though, I can see how I could have done better. May I thank you for the understanding and freedom that was given me. It was the ideal commission.”
Noble never exhibited these prints, with the exception of Cast Iron Pipe and River Crossing. The editions of each print are small—probably less than twenty per print—and with the exception of River Crossing, none are in any permanent collections outside of the Noble Maritime Collection.