Progress Report from Robbins Reef
Erin Urban is leading her Noble Crew through challenging conditions to prepare Robbins Reef Lighthouse for guests--someday.
Current projects: ventilation, final interior paint, and the start of much needed exterior paint.
Tony Cocurullo donated a fan to manage the extreme moisture challenges presented by a brick and cast iron building surrounded by ocean water. Nick Boyle made a filter to prevent rust from damaging the fan. They installed it together.
Meanwhile, paint donated by Armorica Sales, paint is going on the inside of the roof over the light, the exterior kitchen door, the exterior walls that we can reach from ladders (the brown section), and on the interior stairs.
Michael Parise and Annie Rech scraped and sanded two exterior panels wearing full protective gear on a blisteringly hot day. Leslie Petosa caulked, sanded, and washed the exterior kitchen door. She and Michael painted the interior stairs.
The Noble Crew keeps after more mundane tasks too, such as weeding the caisson and maintaining the work we've accomplished thus far.
As you can see in the photos, the exterior paint is a top priority and much of it literally beyond the reach of our volunteers. With your help, we are determined to solve this problem and preserve Kate's Light for future generations.
— Stefan Dreisbach-Williams
Interior steps. Photo courtesy of Erin Urban
Scraping the exterior. Photo courtesy of Erin Urban